AshenBlade Wares

Awesome Art for Awesome Prices

Here's some more information about ordering online. Click to Expand.

Orders on this site are not final and simply tell me who I need to contact about placing an official order.
When you order on this site, it will update my "___ items have been ordered." section below. This is the number of ITEMS, not ORDERS. Multiple items can be for one order and I haven't figured out how to fix that yet.
When you check out, you HAVE to put a valid email for me to contact you to get specifications, shipping address, and to send the final payment link through square.
I do NOT accept payment until I'm satisfied with the product, and I promise I am a LOT more picky than you...

I only ship to the USA as of right now. Other shipping is far too expensive and not worth it.

I'm still needing to add bookmarks, cuddly monsters, bracelets, axolotl stress balls, and mobius fidgets!

10 items have been ordered. I am on item number 10

TTRPG Items _____________

Jewelry _________________

Buttons _________________

1.5 Inch Buttons

2.5 Inch Buttons

Keychains ________________

Prints _____________

Dimensions are height x width. Printed on Card Stock for now until interest picks up.
Images shown may be slightly distorted. I'm working on fixing it...

Other Items _____________